(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Шикшин Илья]PB[Пугачев Дмитрий]WR[7d]BR[1k]DT[2010-04-17]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Higinia [2k]: :)Higinia [2k]: шикшин черными)VMF1 [-]: Цвет еще не определенneodius [6k?]: Ого. Дима сразу на кого попал... Тяжело.Higinia [2k]: ну я думаю из уважения Шикшин может и поиграть белыми)Higinia [2k]: хотя может у него есть желание крошить)vulkankun1 [3k]: разница жесть )Higinia [2k]: где можно посмотреть список участников?neodius [6k?]: нигири](;B[qd](;W[dd](;B[qn]C[Higinia [2k]: кто выиграл? нигири])(;B[qq];W[dp]C[Higinia [2k]: оHiginia [2k]: вижу)neodius [6k?]: Дима черными]))(;W[pq];B[dd]))(;B[cp];W[pd];B[pq];W[dd];B[qo];W[ep];B[eq];W[fq];B[dq];W[pr]C[Higinia [2k]: это игра?neodius [6k?]: да];B[oq];W[gp];B[cn];W[kq];B[qf];W[nc]C[BNata [16k]: Какие условия по времени?BNata [16k]: остатки...];B[pj];W[or]C[Academic [9k]: how old is w?];B[nr]C[Lentyi [1k]: 17];W[nq]C[Lentyi [1k]: щor18Higinia [2k]: можно было бы еще ники на кгс указывать те которые нам известно];B[mr];W[qq]C[Lentyi [1k]: Ну да=)xDragon [9k?]: whats his name? i cant read russiangobudo [1d]: ShikshinLentyi [1k]: Roln];B[qp]C[Coray [13k]: i didnt know russia was interested in go lolxDragon [9k?]: ah roln, okgobudo [1d]: PugachevSenGre [3k]: roln111-dimitryBNata [16k]: Ilya Sikshin мі Pugachev Dmytri];W[rq]C[xDragon [9k?]: coray, russia and eastern europe are pretty strrong at go for being outside asiaSenGre [3k]: Dimitriy*Coray [13k]: really? i didnt know any of that o.oxDragon [9k?]: yesCoray [13k]: this kinda sucks, this is a teaching game so i cant just blurt out moves XDxDragon [9k?]: its a demonstration, and its being transcripted from a real life gameProdigious [4d]: they won't hear you so it doesn't matter];B[np];W[mq]C[Coray [13k]: i thought you could hear in teaching games o.0];B[lq]C[xDragon [9k?]: the people are playing in russia right now, and the game is being transcribed];W[mp]C[Coray [13k]: ohhhhh okay];B[lp];W[mo];B[kr]C[Coray [13k]: what is the normal average rank in go?Gizensha [?]: if you count all the players who have learned the rules and gotten a rating but don't play anymore the average is quite lowSenGre [3k]: странно что поставили против шикшина только 1 дана... он что там второй по силе?whatisgo [1d]: 7d vs 1 k ??];W[lo]C[BNata [16k]: )))Spinaltap [3d]: was just about to say that lolSenGre [3k]: даneodius [6k?]: Мак магон. Значит они в одной группе и по жеребьевке попалиLentyi [1k]: Lucky DimitriyLentyi [1k]: )];B[kp]C[whatisgo [1d]: well roln could play a simul outside the tournamentSpinaltap [3d]: i guess it is swiss system pairingsBNata [16k]: Дима Дима - скандируют трибуны!!!];W[pp]C[Lentyi [1k]: ))Higinia [2k]: q5SenGre [3k]: шикшин то че там забылVMF1 [-]: есть 5 6 и 3 даныLentyi [1k]: слава деньги.. )))neodius [6k?]: :)neodius [6k?]: кружку с сенте хочет];B[op]C[Lentyi [1k]: XDDLentyi [1k]: Дима потом распишется)VMF1 [-]: на второй доске Межов Олег 6 дан против 2 кю Глазистова Иванаneodius [6k?]: q5 за Ч лучше было бы думаю. vulkankun1 [3k]: p5 Lentyi [1k]: Нужно спросить hdHiginia [2k]: может и ку5 сыграетCABPACOB [2d]: разумеетсяvulkankun1 [3k]: может он думает о g4 этой группеvulkankun1 [3k]: или просчитует как что-то сожратьBNata [16k]: Так регламент без ограничения времени?Lentyi [1k]: НетCABPACOB [2d]: не суть, пока белым главное там отнять, он думает как всё забратьGizensha [?]: reading out the squeeze starting from p5 ?VMF1 [-]: С ограничениемCABPACOB [2d]: Q7-R7BNata [16k]: поправте плиз условия игрыCABPACOB [2d]: не сутьVMF1 [-]: 1 час на партию плюс канадский 10.25];W[oo];B[po];W[no]C[vulkankun1 [3k]: я был правvulkankun1 [3k]: )VMF1 [-]: 10 на 20Higinia [2k]: а толку? ты посчитал тут доконца?weirdchess [2k]: I expected q5 over p5 from w... sente is more valuable I guess?vulkankun1 [3k]: а должен был?Spinaltap [3d]: russians, good at chess so must be good at go too roln1111: VMF: сколько контроль?whatisgo [1d]: no connectionHiginia [2k]: в рамках турнира должен был быSpinaltap [3d]: sure there is, you have to read in both whatisgo [1d]: well if england is good at football it should also be good at bascetball? (you have a ball in both)VMF1 [-]: Контроль 1 час на партию плюс 10 минут на 20 ходов];B[fc]C[weirdchess [2k]: huh? chess and go have much much much more in common than football and basketballweirdchess [2k]: I say this as an avid fan of both chess and gofreq [3k]: it is not good in football to begin withbibifoc50 [-]: you play chess weirdchess ?weirdchess [2k]: yeahbibifoc50 [-]: me toobibifoc50 [-]: i am 2213 fideweirdchess [2k]: impressive; I'm about 2000 USCFbibifoc50 [-]: thxExcalibor [-]: anyone knows which tournament is this one? i can't find any text suitable for google translate..ExplO [2d]: Russian Youth FestivalExcalibor [-]: nice...vulkankun1 [3k]: q7 Excalibor [-]: and how come a 7d is playing a 1k? demo? teaching? no bars?bibifoc50 [-]: 1.d4 ;)];W[hc]C[Gizensha [?]: tournament pairings aren't always fair :)whatisgo [1d]: so does life];B[df];W[fd];B[gd]C[Excalibor [-]: no mcmahon rules or anything...];W[gc]C[Excalibor [-]: so that 7d is a young man or woman as well?];B[cd];W[ec]C[whatisgo [1d]: isn't shikshin too old for youth festival?];B[cc]C[Pylon [1d?]: ilya shikshin is whiteImNoSensei [-]: apparently notExcalibor [-]: is white Ilya Shickshin?Excalibor [-]: ah, i seeExcalibor [-]: yes, my cirilic is slowly coming back];W[ql]C[Gizensha [?]: is there a participant list somewhere?Excalibor [-]: well, i'd love to be black and playing Ilya, wooo :-)Korea4K [2d]: R8 overplayKorea4K [2d]: Qfreq [3k]: really?whatisgo [1d]: how would you punish?Korea4K [2d]: q7masek [?]: 7д и 1к даже не хочетс угадывать в чью пользу партия будетKorea4K [2d]: r8 still giftSenGre [3k]: привет масекCABPACOB [2d]: Да... 1 кю после партии побьет Ильюmasek [?]: r5 как то застрялоpomidoroff [6k]: масек, тебе ни за что не угадатьVMF1 [-]: масек - а вот еще посмотримSenGre [3k]: xDDHiginia [2k]: ф18];B[pl];W[pm];B[qm]C[happyend [3d]: Масек, разумеется 1к выйграет :) ];W[rm]C[CABPACOB [2d]: вопрос в том "как"VMF1 [-]: во-первых у 1 к на кгс - 2 данhappyend [3d]: ну тогда 8д вс 2дhappyend [3d]: шансов стало еще больше :)dfhdgfj: lol 7d against 1k :DCABPACOB [2d]: =)) я 3 дан, тут 2 дан)VMF1 [-]: во-вторых он талант :)Lentyi [1k]: bltv lfkmit//];B[qn];W[pk]C[CABPACOB [2d]: может блицевый кю, тут 2 данLentyi [1k]: Ну да а Шикшин так.. простой мальчик))];B[qk];W[ol];B[rl]C[kveldufr [4k]: в корее так видимо и решили)negnet [2d]: ko ftwjust9x9 [-]: shikshin against whom?CABPACOB [2d]: в корее любой 7 кю дана сделает)Lentyi [1k]: =0)kveldufr [4k]: ))];W[pp]C[Deha [9k]: poor black. very weakDefensor [4k]: Корейский 7 кю сделает корейского дана? )negnet [2d]: Deha...CABPACOB [2d]: чисто реально че там за мозги у них, или они с рождения с камушками играютсяExcalibor [-]: okay, overplay punished... now Shickshin has to carry the burden of all that outside influence :-)xDragon [9k?]: well all i kmnow is t hat b's first name is dimitry or similarLentyi [1k]: Настоящее имя Димы Йонг Пак)) и он из кореи))kveldufr [4k]: нет корейский кю сделает нашего дана)CABPACOB [2d]: Европейского дана*negnet [2d]: 1k egf = 2d/3d kgs, no wonder he losesExcalibor [-]: Pugachev?];B[hq];W[hp]C[Deha [9k]: negnet... ?happyend [3d]: 100%. он ща фору Илье дает просто :)];B[iq]C[Lentyi [1k]: ))just9x9 [-]: and what tournament is this?Excalibor [-]: maybe Pygachiev... hard to transcribe for me, i'm all rusty];W[rk]C[kveldufr [4k]: угуЮ а потом порвет его как тряпку))))Excalibor [-]: Russian Youth];B[pl];W[ce]C[Korea4K [2d]: ^^just9x9 [-]: thx Excalibor];B[ok];W[be]C[Excalibor [-]: np :)CABPACOB [2d]: все короче белый уже +30];B[de];W[cg]C[Lentyi [1k]: Это коми];B[fb];W[eb];B[fe];W[ed]C[kveldufr [4k]: у ч тут шнсов вроде нет.. но мож илья расслабиццо и станет щедрым к середине)];B[db];W[fa]C[happyend [3d]: хм. Пугачеву сколько в годах?Lentyi [1k]: 17 или 16 SenGre [3k]: так же как шикшину примерноLentyi [1k]: ну он младше егоSenGre [3k]: не больше годаLentyi [1k]: Шикшину уже под 18 да?VMF1 [-]: Пугачев недавно научился игратьhappyend [3d]: под 19Lentyi [1k]: ну и вотkveldufr [4k]: он младше его - информативно))];B[ch]C[happyend [3d]: хотя уже 19 с лишним вроде ..];W[dg]C[Stiper [3k]: Шикшин Илья Валерьевич (07.05.1990)];B[bg]C[happyend [3d]: 20, как и думал)];W[cf]C[Lentyi [1k]: скоро денюха))happyend [3d]: старикVMF1 [-]: если корейского ребенка учат играть в 3 года, тло к 12 годам у него стаж 9 летhappyend [3d]: сила юности на стороне пугачева :)Lentyi [1k]: ))V1K [7k]: сила юности -юность силы )];B[dh];W[eg];B[fo];W[hn]C[CABPACOB [2d]: ьред игра..SenGre [3k]: +1xDragon [9k?]: mms://video.it.hse.ru:1800 - broadcast of game];B[md];W[nd];B[me];W[pf];B[pg];W[og]C[Lentyi [1k]: Эх а я думал он в сан сан губанет)];B[qg];W[mg]C[Excalibor [-]: vlc insists that mms is on port 1234 and won't open 1800... any ideas?Gizensha [?]: windows mediaplayer opened it alrightExcalibor [-]: no mediaplayer for linux afaikxDragon [9k?]: yea i have it open thru WMPxDragon [9k?]: dont know much much of anything bout linuxExcalibor [-]: ohExcalibor [-]: well];B[of];W[ne]C[Excalibor [-]: that's for using proprietary protocols :-PGizensha [?]: well the picture doesn't show players so it's essentially the same view as here without the kibitzSenGre [3k]: блин ктож так жеребьевку то провел, не против 1к ставить же илью надо было вон на 2й доске межов ];B[kf]C[xDragon [9k?]: and we get to see their pedicures];W[kh]C[AutoAtari [6k?]: Excalibor: mplayer worksnostory [5k]: link sm1?xDragon [9k?]: mms://video.it.hse.ru:1800Excalibor [-]: ha, nicenostory [5k]: thxAutoAtari [6k?]: it only shows the board thoughV1K [7k]: зачем? Чтобы один из сильных игроков выбил другого?VMF1 [-]: это фестиваль];B[ig];W[ii]C[VMF1 [-]: а не жесткий турнирxDragon [9k?]: this cant end well for b];B[gh];W[eh]C[SenGre [3k]: а чего не с форой тогда раз фестивальV1K [7k]: так и пусть как можно больше игр будет .Межов с Шикшиным сыграют я думаю и так.just9x9 [-]: i heard the keima is cuttableExcalibor [-]: cool, it works... nice view as well, but we can't see the players :)Excalibor [-]: it is :)];B[dj]C[xDragon [9k?]: well we do get to see how b keeps reading and w plays close ot instant all the timexDragon [9k?]: except now of course];W[ej]C[V1K [7k]: нормально без коми ) И Пугачёв неплохо играет в такой ситуации.Sandal [7k]: My Russian is so bad, but I can sort of keep up with the chat here :)];B[gj];W[dk]C[Excalibor [-]: see how small b's hand is... he's very young!xDragon [9k?]: better than my no russianExcalibor [-]: jealous :)AutoAtari [6k?]: w is Ilya Shikshin?Excalibor [-]: yupxDragon [9k?]: yes];B[ck]C[VMF1 [-]: Шикшин отвечает почти сразу];W[cj]C[VMF1 [-]: истратил 14 минSenGre [3k]: ясное дело s0924 [4d]: да че тут думать то? )AutoAtari [6k?]: b is getting so destroyedExcalibor [-]: mmmVMF1 [-]: а Пугацев истратил 37Excalibor [-]: hard to deal with that, yes];B[di];W[ei];B[dl];W[ek]C[Excalibor [-]: no b10?];B[bj];W[cl]C[xDragon [9k?]: get forcing move in first i guess];B[ci]C[just9x9 [-]: get ajikeshi in first yes :)];W[bk]C[SenGre [3k]: а сколько черные по общему времени в го играют?Excalibor [-]: mmmExcalibor [-]: Ilya is not playing soft in any caseLentyi [1k]: год наверноеExcalibor [-]: mercilessVMF1 [-]: инф черных dimditriyjust9x9 [-]: to him it feels soft i guessVMF1 [-]: dimitriyxDragon [9k?]: but ajikeshi is deliciousExcalibor [-]: ah, the producer made a change of camera for a while, nice :)AutoAtari [6k?]: no, that's aji ichiban];B[cj]C[Excalibor [-]: this must hurt a lot :-(];W[hh];B[hg];W[gi]C[SenGre [3k]: долго учитывая то что в клубе занимаетсяExcalibor [-]: i hope my first tournament is not this painful :/Gizensha [?]: nahxDragon [9k?]: well you probably wont be playing 7d in even gamesGizensha [?]: you will be so nervous with using the clock that you won't notice anything else ;)];B[ih];W[hi];B[jh];W[ji];B[kg];W[lh]C[Excalibor [-]: ohExcalibor [-]: :)Excalibor [-]: i know a trick for the clock, thoughExcalibor [-]: someone resigns before byo-yomi :)mochi [3d?]: you have a clock in internet go];B[id];W[hd]C[mochi [3d?]: it isn't like a club player using a clock for the first timeGizensha [?]: but it's automated];B[he]C[CABPACOB [2d]: трупец];W[ge]C[Lentyi [1k]: еще не вечер )CABPACOB [2d]: вялый 1 кю...SenGre [3k]: но ужзе не деньCABPACOB [2d]: Боится сильноLake [19k]: ваши предложенич?SenGre [3k]: сдаваться)Lake [19k]: ну кроме шутокLake [19k]: сильный ход есть?V1K [7k]: игратьSenGre [3k]: а это не шутка];B[gf]C[Lentyi [1k]: Нужно применить прием "Смотри утка"V1K [7k]: проиграть 20 ,не большеSenGre [3k]: смотри нлоneodius [6k?]: l14 стабилизировать. и идти рушить зонуneodius [6k?]: o8 как нибудь];W[dm];B[cm];W[el];B[bl]C[Lentyi [1k]: с f2 у ч не малоExcalibor [-]: w's center is hugeAutoAtari [6k?]: b can still reduce];W[re]C[Excalibor [-]: but w also has about 3 corners...];B[pe];W[qd]C[gisel [3d]: not really huge yet, black still have k6, n9 or soExcalibor [-]: and o14 doesn't work];B[lj];W[kj]C[Snowbars [1d]: W=40?year2k [2k]: k6 Excalibor [-]: ah, i see nowSnowbars [1d]: W+40?Excalibor [-]: hey, Harry, didn't see you coming :)];B[gq];W[fp];B[fr]C[EuroGoTV1 [-]: live TV broadcast of this game on http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV-Russia];W[kd]C[xDragon [9k?]: oh that explains a lot. youth competition = under 30Excalibor [-]: hey, nice :) EuroGoTV is everywhere :)EuroGoTV1 [-]: i am at home^^];B[je];W[ic];B[jd]C[xDragon [9k?]: mms://video.it.hse.ru:1800xDragon [9k?]: that one a bi tless choppyQuiGonJinn [4k]: d5xDragon [9k?]: VMF jumped the gun i think lol](;W[mc])(;W[jc]C[Excalibor [-]: at home, cool :)AutoAtari [6k?]: did Ilya misclick? :pExcalibor [-]: there's no sound though?])(;W[do];B[dn];W[co]C[EuroGoTV1 [-]: no sound ];B[bo];W[en];B[dl];W[er]C[Excalibor [-]: okisExcalibor [-]: so why aren't you playing? :)];B[em];W[gr]C[Excalibor [-]: you surely strong enough :-P];B[dr];W[fs]C[moi [3k]: who are playing, i don't get russianmoi [3k]: ?Excalibor [-]: huh, ugly invasion :-/EuroGoTV1 [-]: i am in amsterdam, not in Moscow (although iu would like to be)Excalibor [-]: Ilya Shikshin and Dimitryi Pygachiev (or something like that)Excalibor [-]: ah, i see... ];B[fm];W[gl]C[moi [3k]: tjank youHolmes [-]: PugachevExcalibor [-]: well, home is nice as well... and comfy :)EuroGoTV1 [-]: yes^^Excalibor [-]: ok, nice transcription :)Excalibor [-]: any tournament in west/center europe soon?EuroGoTV1 [-]: Amsterdam tournament from 13 to 16 may];B[eo];W[dp]C[AutoAtari [6k?]: m8];B[cq];W[gn]C[Excalibor [-]: ah, cool, but Madrid is 15-16, i'll be busy :-PExcalibor [-]: i recalls there's about 6 big tournaments in may... Toulousse as wellxDragon [9k?]: europeans are lucky, get so many tourneysExcalibor [-]: b is amazing, i would have crumbled so ong ago...Excalibor [-]: yes, we are crazyExcalibor [-]: i mean lucly :)AutoAtari [6k?]: w is probably going easy on himFeminist [13k]: what is this room?Excalibor [-]: timeo danaos et dona ferentes :)];B[mc]C[xDragon [9k?]: in usa, i you dont live on the west coast youre pretty well out of luck. theres maybe 1-2 small tourneys that are on this side of the country per yearExcalibor [-]: All Russian Youth Competition];W[lk]C[Feminist [13k]: competitions on the internet?AutoAtari [6k?]: heh, I knew that was the important areaExcalibor [-]: then you have to mobilize and organize more tourneys :)];B[mk];W[ml]C[taiji [1d]: w is roln?EuroGoTV1 [-]: so start organise xDragonExcalibor [-]: nope, life, in MoskvaVMF1 [-]: Всероссийский Международный Фестиваль (ВМФ) по Го, трансляция доступна на mms://video.it.hse.ru:1800/Excalibor [-]: you can watch on EuroGoTV and on that streamingFeminist [13k]: oh so two guys here just copy all their moves?xDragon [9k?]: well its hard when our club of about 5 people consists of everyone who plays go in the areaExcalibor [-]: yesxDragon [9k?]: no not two guys...Feminist [13k]: oh coolAutoAtari [6k?]: it's just one guyExcalibor [-]: white is a very important european playerFeminist [13k]: and only 7d?Excalibor [-]: he shows up in most european competitionsxDragon [9k?]: what do you mean only 7dExcalibor [-]: and even played against Luo Xihe!AutoAtari [6k?]: not even 13d :pLentyi [1k]: ))Excalibor [-]: well, 7d EGF is about as high as you can get right now :)];B[mj]C[Lentyi [1k]: yea only some 7dLentyi [1k]: loo\xDragon [9k?]: oh new viewExcalibor [-]: i would have loved to watch Catalin playing Luo Xihe though];W[nl]C[Gizensha [?]: 7d is highest egf rankEuroGoTV1 [-]: m2];B[jo];W[jn]C[Feminist [13k]: so 7d here is more then 7d in kgs?];B[ko];W[kn]C[Excalibor [-]: k5 is solid but timidExcalibor [-]: yesFeminist [13k]: oh i get it];B[mb];W[nb]C[AutoAtari [6k?]: probably 9d on kgs if they really try];B[na]C[Excalibor [-]: 7d egf is about 9d-11d in kgs];W[oa];B[ma];W[pb]C[xDragon [9k?]: w is 8d on KGS];B[jc]C[Excalibor [-]: you have to watch their rank graphs, cause 10d don't show up];W[sh];B[rh];W[sg];B[si]C[Snowbars [1d]: B is 1d on kgs];W[rf]C[Feminist [13k]: p is after 11d?];B[rg];W[sf]C[Excalibor [-]: p is professionalExcalibor [-]: a different leaguexDragon [9k?]: i have a headacheAutoAtari [6k?]: some amateurs can beat pros, but still won't get a p rank];B[rj]C[Excalibor [-]: a "weakish" 1p though may be defeated by strong 7d for exampleFeminist [13k]: then how there are P's in kgs?moi [3k]: they're teachersAutoAtari [6k?]: they're pros irlExcalibor [-]: xDragon: in my land we say that's good, cause it means you have one... some people never have headaches at all :)xDragon [9k?]: well i guess since its 4am and ive been staring at the screen all the timeExcalibor [-]: there's more to go profession than playing... they also teach and other thingsAutoAtari [6k?]: there's no kgs pro rank, it just lists the real-life pro rankExcalibor [-]: xDragon: then it's the second case xD you don't have a brain in there, just jelly... :) go to sleep :-PxDragon [9k?]: i wanna see how this endsVMF1 [-]: У черных осталось 5 мин];W[oh];B[qe];W[rd]C[Excalibor [-]: let me tell you: b wins :)xDragon [9k?]: even though w already won pretty muchSenGre [3k]: время абсолют или бееми канадскоеExcalibor [-]: you are missing the yose tesujis :)Excalibor [-]: ok, i'm kidding :-PxDragon [9k?]: nuclear?];B[fl];W[fk]C[AutoAtari [6k?]: yep nuclear tesuji is worth about 300 points in yose];B[gm];W[hm];B[fn];W[jb];B[kb];W[ib]C[Excalibor [-]: anyway...BNata [16k]: а белые?xDragon [9k?]: w scared himself with that hesitation before j18Excalibor [-]: most of b is alive... i wouldn't get but a single alive group (probably) against b, so i guess this is not that bad after all];B[rp]C[Excalibor [-]: p7? it may be annoying somewhat :)](;W[gd])(;W[ff];B[gd]C[xDragon [9k?]: not really. just o7Academic [9k]: wuldnt u q6 for w?];W[bh]C[Excalibor [-]: see? 3 points in gote :)];B[ge];W[ee];B[bi];W[js]C[Excalibor [-]: ouchExcalibor [-]: k1 is poisoned];B[jr];W[hr]C[LastAngel [10k]: who is playing here?];B[ir]C[Excalibor [-]: russian youngsters];W[pn];B[hs]C[Excalibor [-]: Ilua Shikshin as white and Dimitryi Pugachev as blackLastAngel [10k]: thxExcalibor [-]: Ilya, i mean];W[sp];B[so];W[sq]C[Excalibor [-]: youngster is < 30 years oldExcalibor [-]: but b is pretty young himselfExcalibor [-]: SE says w+14.5Luffyop [1k]: young is just phylosophy of life, you only to be young in your head ^^Higinia [2k]: a14Excalibor [-]: interestingLuffyop [1k]: only need*VMF1 [-]: у черных пошел контроль 10 на 20];B[ja];W[ia];B[ka]C[SenGre [3k]: спасибо за ответ через 20 минут];W[ph];B[qi];W[oe]C[Excalibor [-]: mmm];B[io];W[in]C[CABPACOB [2d]: Илья чисто из солидарности отдал порядка очков 20];B[af];W[ae]C[Lentyi [1k]: Дима сдался уже(LastAngel [10k]: 7d wins "only" with 14 points against 1k? 1k must be pretty stongLentyi [1k]: Или просто сильно волнуетсяxDragon [9k?]: margin of victory doesnt matterWindwalker [7k]: this is a show game perhapsSenGre [3k]: с корее просто не думая играетCABPACOB [2d]: плачет ужеProdigious [4d]: it's more like 25Excalibor [-]: i think someone said w is going softlyGizensha [?]: it's about 20 pointsSenGre [3k]: экономит силыSenGre [3k]: на межоваExcalibor [-]: tournament gameExcalibor [-]: but unfair pairings :P];B[fh];W[fi]C[roln1111: w +30CABPACOB [2d]: Межов хорош];B[gg]C[Lentyi [1k]: ))VMF1 [-]: потерял ходыGizensha [?]: o14 and w has only one group :)];W[bf];B[ah];W[ag];B[li];W[ki]C[Excalibor [-]: that helps to win, doesn't it?CABPACOB [2d]: ты чеееее!];B[ip];W[bp];B[bq];W[bh](;B[kk]C[SenGre [3k]: l9 ОоExcalibor [-]: nice threat];W[ll]C[Excalibor [-]: somehow])(;B[ll];W[kk];B[bg]C[Luffyop [1k]: M8 is a better threatGizensha [?]: t6 s5 Excalibor [-]: problem is that w can't be bothered by this ko];W[bn];B[ap];W[bh]C[Excalibor [-]: but b is in trouble](;B[go];W[ho]C[Gizensha [?]: h5 g5 ])(;B[ho];W[go];B[bg];W[sn];B[ro];W[bh]C[neodius [6k?]: h8 забыли];B[hl];W[gk];B[bg]C[Gizensha [?]: b is beond troubleGizensha [?]: he has lost...QuiGonJinn [4k]: s6Excalibor [-]: well... you gotta lose with dignityLuffyop [1k]: T8 firstExcalibor [-]: b is enjoying playing with Ilya anyway :)];W[]C[moi [3k]: ^^](;AE[bg])(;AW[bh];B[ai]C[VMF1 [-]: сбился прядок ходов..Excalibor [-]: finished (?)Lentyi [1k]: noadiida [4k]: f13?AutoAtari [6k?]: huh? w took back the ko with no threat?CABPACOB [2d]: ужааааааасGizensha [?]: scribe just lost the sequencezoigo [8k]: move order is broken, VMF1 saidExcalibor [-]: i see... b p1, q1 o1Excalibor [-]: and w also o14AutoAtari [6k?]: don't drink and scribe :pVMF1 [-]: Всероссийский Международный Фестиваль (ВМФ) по Го, трансляция доступна на mms://video.it.hse.ru:1800/Gizensha [?]: well you can see the last moves from the video streamVMF1 [-]: партия продолжаетсяGizensha [?]: w has won anywayadiida [4k]: r12?QuiGonJinn [4k]: game over?xDragon [9k?]: counting nowSenGre [3k]: закончилась считаютtaiji [1d]: kto vigral?SenGre [3k]: )))SenGre [3k]: а это и так непонятноxDragon [9k?]: 6 points for b totalVMF1 [-]: Белые выиграли с перевесом 32 очкаxDragon [9k?]: 32 for wSenGre [3k]: ыыы у черных територии неосталось?taiji [1d]: kazschetsyaroln1111: как я и говорилLentyi [1k]: ошибся на 2 roln1111: Межов выиграл под сдачуroln1111: для игроков уровня 2 очка не прогнозируютсяroln1111: уровня кюEuroGoTV1 [-]: hi^^])))))))
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